Salam semua,
Semalam Iffa received call from customer swing, mengadu sedang sakit kerana payudara yang membengkak(engorgement). Beliau telah mendapatkan rawatan doctor dan diberi ubat dan antibiotik untuk mengurangkan bengkak dan mengelakkan infection.
Walaupun telah mengambil ubat selama dua hari, masalah beliau masih tidak hilang... jadi Iffa harap artikel yang iffa ingin kongsikan ini dapat membantu beliau dan ibu-ibu yang mengalami masalah yang sama. Antara yang Iffa nasihatkan beliau ialah:
- Mandi dengan warm water dan arahkan pancutan air panas ke arah payudara.
- Urut payudara dalam bentuk putaran(circular motion) dan pump. Tuamkan payudara dengan tuala yg direndam dlm warm water.
Balut payudara dengan daun kobis.(Bengkak boleh dikurangkan menggunakan kobis, tapi dalam pada masa yg sama susu badan turut berkurang - lihat ruangan komen)- Dapatkan rawatan dari pakar sekiranya masalah berlanjutan..
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For the first few days after giving birth, breast remain soft and produce colostrum - the first milk. The amounts may seem small, but colostrum is available in just the right amount for the size of your baby stomach. Colostrum is rich in nutrients and immune factors which feed your newborn baby and protect him from diseases.
Within 72-96 hours, you will notice changes in your breasts. They will become full, firm, warm and perhaps tender as milk production increases and colostrum begins to change to mature milk. Breast fullness and mild to moderate swelling is normal. It is caused by milk and extra blood and fluid in the breasts. Your body will use the extra fluid to make milk for your body. This breast fullness and swelling may last a day or two.
Your breast will adjust over tim, making the exact amount of milk that you baby needs. In cases of extreme or prolonged, painful engorgement, get help from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional. Your baby helps you manage engorgement by removing milk frequently. This means you should breastfeed at least 8-12 times each 24 hours. If your baby is not latching properly or feeding frequently, you may use a breastpump to keep your breast from becoming overly full. Engorgement reduces the elasticity of the breast and nipples, leading to more latch problems and sore nipples.
If breast fullness or swelling becomes severe, your breasts may redden and become more painful. If the excessive milk is not removed from the breast, chemical signals are released which can decrease milk production. Unrelieved, prolonged engorgement leads to a lowered milk supply.
A temperature over 100.4degF or 38degC may be a sign of an infection. Please seek expert help ASAP.
Begin breastfeeding asap after birth and frequently thereafter to prevent painful engorgement.
- Avoid early use of bottles and pacifiers while baby is learning to breastfeed.
- Avoid unnecessary supplements, as this can lower milk supply.
- Breastfeeding at least 8-12 times in 24 hours is the most important thing you can do to prevent engorgement.
- Be sure that your baby is latching well. Improper latch can reduce the amount of milk your baby removes from your breasts which can lead to engorgement.
- Let baby nurse until he finishes each breast. Do not limit baby's time at the breast.
- Gently massage and compress the breast when your baby pauses between sucks. This can help drain the milk from the breast.
- Ask for help from your nurse, LC, healthcare professional so that latch problems are resolved asap.
- If you must miss a feeding or if baby not nursing well, use hand or a breastpump to remove milk.
- Use relaxation techniques and gentle breast massage to help improve milk flow and reduce engorgement.
- To start milk flow, use warm moist heat on the breasts for a few minutes, or take a brief warm shower before breastfeeding. (Note: Using heat for extended periods of time - over 5 minutes, may make swelling worse.
- Hand expression or brief use of breastpump will soften the nipple and areolar tissue, makin it easier for baby to latch well and deeply.
- Pumping once to completely drain the breasts after baby nurses can resolve engorgement for some women. The return to frequent breastfeeding to manage breast fullness.
- Gently massage and compress the breasts when your baby pauses between sucks. This helps drain the breast, leaving less milk behind.
- Although research data is scarce, cabbage leaf compresses have been used for generations to reduce pain and swelling from breast engorgement. Apply clean, whole leaves of cabbages to breasts for approximately 20 minutes between feedings 3-4 times a day until engorgement subsides. CAUTION: This will also drop your milk production.
- A bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a thin towel works well as a cold compress before nursing reduces swelling and helps relieve pain.
- If your breasts are uncomfortably full, express a little milk by either hand expressing or pumping with a quality breastpump on a low setting. Express just enough until you are comfortable; avoid over stimulating.
- Ask your healthcare professional about medications such as ibuprofen to reduce pain and inflammation.
- A well-fitted, supportive nursing bra makes some women feel better. Others prefer to go braless during engorgement.
- Fever higher than 38degC or severe pain may signal a breast infection. Call doctor ASAP yaa..
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Iffa Post entry ini sbg discussion di KIM utk minta pandangan ibu2 di KIM... di sini Iffa share ya feedback dari ibu2 di KIM..
Nadia Khamis: Salam iffa...breast customer iffa tu bengkak ke???hmmm...setau akak kalau bengkak jgn guna kobis...sbb amalan gunakan kobis ni lama kelamaan akan mengeringkan susu (ni ada nurse yg bgtau)...masa akak dulu, mmg pernah gak kena bengkak susu ni...kakak ipar akak bg petua gunakan batang daun betik buat kalung...dan akak dah cuba utk kedua2 anak, memang berkesan...
Nurul Akhmal: baru lps baca artikel.. Iffa, i think d suggestion guna daun kubis kene remove. Simply because peranan kubis is 2 in 1.. it's mengurangkan bengkak susu & MENGERINGKAN AIR SUSU. I'm sure mothers kat luar sana yg still nak breastfeed, xnak mengeringkan air susu masing2... mak nie tahu peranan kubis tue pun thru my bidan kampung yg urut during my confinement nie
Habibah Mohamed: dah buat warm compression, massage, warm shower? bengkak saje ke atau ada merah2 kt bhgn atas areola?
Kaklong Nuzula: ada kan yg susu bengkak taknak keluar tu sbb saluran tersumbat? taktau la mcmana nak buat...
Cham Ali: tuam ngn tuala suam...urut perlahan...mungkin juga boleh guna teknik marmet...klo sakit boleh kurangkn sakit ngn tuala sejuk...tapi takut juga kna mastitis
Nur Suzana Laily: nur dulu pakai sikat pastu sentiasa fikir pasal baby nk menyusu.. mayb dia stress sbb tu susu makin xkuar.. sbb nur dulu seminggu bengkak.. just kene relax, tenangkan diri, tuam air panas selalu.. lm2 ok..
Jadi kesimpulannya dari artikel yang Iffa share(di ambil dari Medela Resources),
Memang ada kebenarannya kobis boleh membantu mengurangkan bengkak, tetapi dalam pada masa yang sama ia mengurangkan susu... Buat ibu2, diluar sana.. anda semua pasti mahu terus menyusukan anak bukan? jadi, menggunakan kobis bukanlah satu pilihan yang bijak..
Bagi ibu2 diluar sana yg mengalami bengkak susu, Iffa harap sudi2kanlah ye share pengalaman dan bagaimana ibu2 mengatasinya..
Terima kasih (^__^)
Ini pula Kak Muna yang share:-
Nurul Muna: saya penah kena sbb lps deliver baby terus masuk ICU problem lung.. so tak sempat BF. Saya pump susu tp keluar sikit jerk padahal cB dah bengkak susu.. urut dgn mak bidan pun kurang berkesan. last2 urut dgn bidan hospital yg dtg kerumah. Mmg berkesan, terus memancut2 susu keluar.. tp dia punya sakit urut tuh... ;).. lepas tuh baru boleh pump.. So dptkan rawatan dari bidan hospital. lepas dah tak sumbat ok dah takda lg bengkak2.
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