Semalam saya ada share tentang perlunya ibu yang hamil dan menyusukan anak mengambil minyak ikan( fish oil). Hari ini saya terbaca satu artikel kesihatan dari Australia yang berkait rapat dengan sharing saya semalam. Jom baca!

Breastfeeding your newborn baby for at least the first six months can significantly reduce your child’s risk of developing childhood asthma and other allergies. Around one in nine Australian children has been diagnosed with asthma.
Factors in the rise of childhood asthma
Australia has one of the highest asthma rates in the world. The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that more than 2.2 million Australians are affected by asthma. Some of the factors that may have contributed to the rise in childhood asthma over the past decade include:
^^ Increased exposure to viral infection while young
^^ Changes in lifestyle
^^ Exposure to house dust mite
^^ Not enough oily fish in the Australian diet <---- Fish Oil boleh mengurangkan risiko bayi yg dilahirkan mendapat asthma sehingga 80% ^^ Less women breastfeeding their newborn babies.
A six year research study
The rate of breastfeeding in Australia has declined, mirroring the rise in childhood asthma. Whether breastfeeding offers a child any protection against developing asthma and other allergies has long been controversial in the breast-versus-bottle debate.
Researchers in Western Australia tracked over 2,000 children from birth to six years of age and found that breastfeeding for at least six months significantly reduces a baby’s risk of later developing asthma and other allergies.
There has been further research done overseas on asthma and breastfeeding with inconsistent findings. Researchers agree that further investigation needs to be done on the relationship between cows milk allergy from bottle feeding and breastfeeding.
A skill to be learned
Breastfeeding is a learned skill and it may take time for the mother and baby to master it. Some women give up trying to breastfeed because they are worried their baby might not be getting enough milk during the learning and establishing process. If you are having trouble breastfeeding your baby, there are lactation experts available to help you.
Jadi, pastikan anda mula mengambil minyak ikan dari Trimister kedua kehamilan sehingga habis menjayakan penyusuan exclusive anda!
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