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Salam semua, seperti yang dijanjikan dalam entry Iffa semalam,pagi ni saya nak share dengan anda semua ...16 fakta menarik tentang ESP (Energizing Soy Protein) Shaklee. Memandangkan Shaaklee ESP ni antara hot item di kalangan group Iffa dan sememangnya, digilai ibu-ibu yang sedang preggy and BF, berikut Iffa share info menarik tentang Shaklee ESP. In November 2004, Dr. Nasr (see credentials below) spoke in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on the benefits of soy. If you want please feel free to pass this along to your acquaintances. He uses Shaklee Soy exclusively because it has the very best and most complete soy protein and isoflavone content. You can feel so very good about Shaklee’s soy protein, and how we can help so many people who are looking for ways to improve their health. Dr. Nasr has a B.S. in Agronomy; M.S. in Biochemistry of anti-oxidants and a PHD. in Pharmacognosy (science of bio-active products). He received his M.D. from Rush Medical College in Chicago, followed by Internal Medicine and Cardiology fellowships from Chicago Medical School. He is a member of the American College of Nutraceuticals and the American College of Preventive Medicine and is Director of the Medical Care & Diagnostic Center, Lake Villa, Il. 1. Optiflora and Soy Protein increase the absorption of protein, decrease gas and discomfort and decrease cholesterol by 23% 2. Sixty (60) studies have been conducted showing soy protein increases bone density more than just Calcium Magnesium does. 3. Two studies show that soy and vitamin E, together,decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) by 40% and that is 17% greater decrease than Zocor and Lipitor 4. Four studies show that soy protein inhibits oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) by 40%. When cholesterol oxidizes, it becomes “sticky” and builds up on the arterial walls, which leads to clogged arteries. 5. Soy prevents gall stones. It doesn’t dissolve them but it prevents them. 6. Soy prevents kidneys from damage. Lots of animal protein may be hard on the kidneys, but soy protein protects the kidneys 7. French fries at major fast food establishments are crispy. That is a value for the store. Some french fries are coated with a protein substance that when combined with the sugar in the potato and then heated, gives them added crispness. Unfortunately that combination of sugar, protein and high heated fat produces a carcinogen. Probably a good idea to avoid all French fries. 8. Shaklee’s protein includes valuable protein and isoflavones that are not present in other soy proteins produced with heat or chemicals. Shaklee’s low heat – water wash process keeps the isoflavones in the protein. Isoflavones are natural cancer fighting ingredients that occur naturally in soy. 9. Soy’s protein and Isoflavones inhibit the mutated cell’s ability to make an enzyme that would cause the cell to continue reproducing and form a tumor. 10. Soy inhibits the cancer cell from making blood vessels that invade arteries and zap nutrients (this process is called angiogenesis). 11. Soy increases the killing effect of the white blood cells (phagocytosis). 12. Soy’s amino acid Lysine when combined with Vitamin C decreases Colon Cancer by 90%. 13. The flavanoids (like those in Shaklee’s Flavomax) when combined with Soy Protein are synergistic (they work even better together) and decrease breast cancer 10 fold. 14. Beta carotene (like those in Shaklee’s CarotoMax) when combined with Soy Protein and Calcium with Vitamin D are 10 times as effective at preventing cancer cells from getting an addition blood supply. 15. Women in the Orient get about 80mg of Isoflavones a day women in US and Europe get about 1.0 mg. That is an 80% negative difference for US and Europe. 16. Soy protein helps the differentiated cell (bad cell) convert back to a normal cell Dr. Nasr also listed the several forms of protein and the length of their chain of Amino Acids. The shorter the chain, the more quickly the Amino Acids can be absorbed and utilized.
source: http://www.wealth-via-health.com/latest-news/2007/06/26/testimonial-shaklee-energizing-soy-protein/ Jadi, cuba anda recall entry Iffa semalam, Iffa ade nyatakan beberape sumber protein yang rendah lemak tepu tapi apa yang Dr Nasr mentioned at the last point review beliau? Acid Amino adalah molecules atau unit asas yg membentuk protein. Dipetik dari Dr Nars, semakin ringkas/pendek rantaian acid amino, semakin cepat asid amino akan diserap dan digunakan oleh badan. Pertama di dalam list beliau ialah Protein Soya dan ia hanya mengambil kurang dari 1 jam untuk sintesiskan. Mengikut pengalaman Iffa semasa consume ESP ini, bukan sahaja ia membantu mengurangkan masalah kulit pada Iffa dan baby Faheem tetapi juga membekalkan tenaga yg luar biasa kepada Iffa. Iffa mampu berulang alik ke LRT station Salak Selatan dengan hanya berjalan kaki malah berlari. Buat pengetahuan semua, LRT Salak Selatan mempunyai tangga melebihi 100 anak tangga untuk pergi dan balik dan Iffa ini merupakan pesaket SLE and MCTD(Sendi dan muscle). Iffa masih ingat, Iffa pernah SMS kak cery: "Akak, kalo dulu nak bangun pagi pun susah, sakit-sakit kaki ni, rasa macam pijak duri, tapi alhamdulillah sejak consume ESP ni, berlari tangga "batu caves" salak selatan ni tak jadi masalah dah"Di rumah Iffa, Iffa bekalkan ESP untuk Bonda dan Ayahanda tercinta, Alhamdulillah, mereka juga sukakannya. Iffa bekalkan ayahanda ESP sebab ayahanda Iffa merupakah businessman algriculture yang sangat busy kadang sampai tidak sempat lunch jadi ESP merupakan snacks yang mudah disediakan, tidak perlu masak air atau sebagainya.. hanya perlu 1-2 tablespoon, perisakan dengan milo dan kocak jadi ESP Shake berperisa Milo yang lazat dan ia boleh menampung badan dari rasa lapar selain membekalkan khasiat yg bermanfaat untuk tubuh badan. Kanak-kanak boleh makan ESP? Pengambilan ESP adalah seawal umur 1 tahun dan ke atas, tapi biasa untuk peringkat kanak-kanak Iffa akan suggest untuk mereka consume "Shaklee Meal Shake" macam yang Iffa berikan pada adik bongsu Iffa, sedap memang sedap, beraroma vanilla. Dalam tak sedar, adik Iffa dah consume canister yang kedua: "Kak Ipah, ape yang kak Ipah belikan Ijat hari tu? Boleh belikan lagi?"Terkejut juga Iffa, adik Iffa memang tak pernah missed untuk minum Shaklee Meal Shake ini. Buat pengetahuan semua, kulit adik Iffa ini sangat sensitif. Semasa beliau menuntuk di MRSM Gemencheh, beberapa kali Bonda Iffa perlu mengambil beliau untuk mendapatkan rawatan sakit kulit beliau yang kronik. Kulit muka dan kulit di bahagian kaki seakan tumbuh macam jerawat yang banyak dan bernanah(Resdung Kulit kata doctor). Kini, Alhamdulillah kali terakhir Iffa jumpe beliau 2 minggu lepas, kulit muka Aizat bukan sahaja kering tetapi makin licin, kulit kaki pun sama... Suka sangat! Harap Ijat akan teruskan consume Shaklee Meal Shake dan yang terbaru Iffa berikan Ijat Shakee Alfalfa Complex (untuk resdung dan alahannya) dan juga Shaklee Sustained Released Vita-C untuk meningkatkan imuniti Ijat. Baiklah, masa untuk makan tengah hari~` makan haruslah mengikut waktu untuk kejayaan diet yang berkesan! Sehingga berjumpa lagi. Sharing is Caring! Iffa @fw-shaklee2u |
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