Salam semua,
Minggu kurus badan ni banyak pula Iffa dapat soalan-soalan menarik. Baru tadi Iffa dapat sms dari Datin Walis, bertanya:
"Iffa, betul ke makan lecithin after each meal..dlm internet before meal"Nampak mudah soalannya, tapi memang mengelirukan ramai orang. sebab jika anda google ada pendapat yang mengatakan lecithin bagus diambil sebelum makan dan ada yang mengatakan ia bagus di ambil selepas makan. Jadi yang mana satu betul ya? Pertama sekali mari Iffa share pengalaman Kak N, pengasas trial pack Shaklee. Beliau telah mengambil supplement Shaklee lebih kurang 9-10 tahun. Ini yang dikongsikan oleh beliau bersama Iffa dan rakan-rakan:
Ibu AddinNasa
"Saya baru belajar sesuatu tentang Lecithin. Dulu saya biasa amik Lecithin sebelum makan especially masa sedang menyusu anak....namun setelah saya terbaca satu artikel, pengambilan vitamin sebelum makan boleh meningkatkan enzim metabolik yang mana kesannya boleh menjadikan seseorang kuat makan dan sentiasa berselera. Saya notice saya melaluinya. Saya tukar semula jadual pemakanan Lecithin saya, saya amik 6 biji selepas lunch and dinner, baru lah saya tak mudah lapar dan berat saya menampakkan penurunan."
When is the best time to take vitamin supplements?
According to Karen Sullivan, author of Vitamins & Minerals, An Illustrated Guide, it's best to take most supplements after a meal. Absorption of supplements is best when the body has bulky food to work on. It is especially important to take time-release formulas with food.
Water-soluble vitamins, especially B-complex and C, are excreted rapidly from the body. So breaking your dose into three parts to take after meals will give you the best chance of maintaining a high body level.
If you have to take all your supplements at once, it is best to take them after your biggest meal of the day. It is also important to take vitamins and minerals together as minerals are essential for the proper absorption of vitamins.
Remember to check your label. It should advise you as to specific instructions on best times to take. Also remember that your health care professional may advise you to vary these guidelines in order to obtain a particular result.
Iffa ada jumpa satu laman sawang(Vital Health) yang menceritakan segala perihal lecithin. Mari iffa kongsikan di sini. Maaflah, tidak berkesempatan untuk translate.
- The brain consists of 30% lecithin
- Lecithin is an excellent source of the vitamin B cofactor, choline(choline is part of the lecithin molecule)
- Around 20% of the lecithin found in plants and natural foods consists of phosphatidylcholine
- Choline is so vital in infant development that all baby formula must contain this nutrient
- Lecithin is a phospholipid, which is part of cell membranes
- Lecithin granules contain higher concentrations of phosphatidylcholine
- Lecithin is a good source of linolenic acid
- Capsules - lecithin powder is added to capsules
- Tablet - lecithin is compressed and formed into tablets
- Powder - extracted from soybeans and crushed into a powder
- Granules - soybeans that have been granularised
- Soft gel Capsules - filled with soybean lecithin liquid(Shaklee Lecithin dlm kategori ini)
- Liquid - soy lecithin is extracted into a liquid oil
- Lecithin should be taken with meals to increase absorption
- Granular lecithin has a nutty/grainy flavour and can be added to cereals, juice or smoothies
- Choose non-genetically modified lecithin supplements (the long term effects of genetic modification are not yet known and erring on the side of caution is advisable)
- Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight - storage in the refrigerator is preferred
- Gall bladder disease - lecithin is a key component of bile, which is a fat digester produced in the gall bladder. Low lecithin levels have been known to cause gallstones when bile levels are low. Taking extra lecithin in this situation has been shown in studies to prevent gallstones
- Liver disease - a 10 year study on animals showed that lecithin prevented cirrhosis and severe liver scarring caused by alcoholism. Other similar studies have shown it helps the liver affected with hepatitis.
- Alzheimer's disease - the nerve-building and protection properties of lecithin may be useful for helping with memory problems in people with Alzheimer's disease. More studies are needed in this area to provide proof for this
- People taking niacin/nicotinamide - people taking these supplements for treatment of high blood cholesterol ortriglycerides levels may need lecithin or choline supplementation to re-balance these levels
FOOD | AMOUNT | Lecithin (mg) |
Maize | 100g | 953 |
Liver | 100g | 850 |
Soya beans | 100g | 740 |
Trout | 100g | 580 |
Wheat | 20g | 564 |
Peanuts | 50g | 557 |
Meat | 100g | 450-750 |
Eggs | 1 medium | 350 |
Oats | 50g | 325 |
Rice | 100g | 290 |
Butter | 20g | 30 |
- nausea
- sweating
- diarrhoea
- vomiting
- bloating
- People with bipolar disorder and depression - should not use lecithin as it can worse the depressive stage of the illness
- People with any psychiatric condition - should get medical advice before taking lecithin
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